
day 11 - one of the oldest pictures in my picture folders

This is one of the first pictures I took when I bought my first camera back in 2002. It was taken during the last days of Summer that year, and I love it! My mom is an avid gardener so we've always had a lot of flowers in our yard. I love how colorful they are in the background of this!

I'm also proud of this photograph because it was the first (of three) photographs I won a purchase award for at the annual Expressions show in my town.

Now that I'm more than halfway through with this photo challenge, and since you might be wondering what the heck is going on, you can read more about it here and see the rest of my challenge days here!

Source: Andrea Despot


Anonymous said...

That a pretty shot! I can see why you won :)
What is that circular reflecting thing on the side? It looks like a Christmas ornament...

Nicola said...

This is such a lovely photo. :)