
to the max

I realize that maxi dresses are quite popular at the moment, but I've never been one for the floor-length design. However, these three looks are completely changing my mind!

Source: 1. Anthropologie 2. asos 3. The Sartorialist


samantha ramage said...

do it, do it! it's like wearing a nightgown all day!


k said...

they never look as good on me. sigh.

Charlotte said...

I love the zipped, fitting top of the first one! Fitted tops really makes the flowy-ness of the rest of the dress work.

Hila said...

I like long gowns, but not on me :) I'm short and very skinny, wearing maxi dresses and gowns just emphasises that. I stick to minis and knee-length. These are gorgeous though.