
dark light shining

We now return to our regularly scheduled blogging format. Pictures!

The newest issue of RUE came out recently and I'm head over heels in love with the "Dark Light Shining" spread. I want my own "Dark Weirdo Dinner Party" with tarot cards and paper fortune tellers, hanging bones and skulls, jewel-toned goblets, black birds and butterflies, medieval lanterns and claw feet...

Seriously, I want to personally own every single thing in these photographs! I love dark, weird things...

Source: RUE magazine


Charlotte said...

I love your pictures posts, but I also LOVED your SF descriptions. Don't hesitate to post more words, okay? They're beautiful too.

Andrea Krummel said...

aw thank you, charlotte! that means a lot!

Goggled Hero said...

I miss Halloween.