
oh anthro

Some items I've been lusting after over at Anthropologie. I wish they weren't so expensive! If there was a store near me, it would be a very very bad thing...

Source: Anthropologie 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. and 10.


Unknown said...

Oh yes, the obsession is strong over here. I have 6 of those bright colorful latte bowls. One of those cute little jars which I use for salt and that bottom left bowl in yellow. It truly is trouble having it nearby and yes I wish they weren't so damn expensive. :)

katie said...

mmm...we've had an anthropologie less than a mile away both here in berkeley and in madison. so dangerous! lucky, in a way, that they're soooo expensive. i like going just to touch their textiles. =) i have a few (few!) things from them, and that makes it a true indulgence ('specially as most of my shopping is done at thrift stores!).

i have that ceramic basket! except, i have the tan one. husband thought it was a normal paper carton at first. =) i use it as my berry colander.

Charlotte said...

oh anthro is right! I lust from afar, as my paycheck will probably NEVER let me shop there. but I love the octopus coat hanger and the brightly colored bowls!