
moon shot

This is from the first "road trip" with my boyfriend back in 2006 when we first started dating. We were driving back to Fort Lauderdale after I met his parents for the first time. I remember being transfixed by the crescent moon and the planet so near (Jupiter?) so we pulled into an empty parking lot somewhere off I-95 and I set up my tripod and Holga camera. I remember when I got the prints back I wasn't happy with any of them, but after looking through old photos this weekend, I came across this one and actually really like it.

I love having photographs that I can hold in my hand that bring back memories such as this. It wasn't anything I would've written about, but somehow having this photo reminds me of that entire trip and how we felt driving back.

Source: Andrea Despot


k said...

i know what you mean about those photos! i really like this one :)

Charlotte said...

Sweet story and even sweeter picture. :)

Anonymous said...

I love it! What a great photo!!