I cannot began to tell you how much I love this movie... In fact, I can't even begin to describe how beautiful it is, how hard it was for me to edit this post from over 100 screen captures to only 23! It's one of the most beautifully filmed and most beautifully styled and and most wonderfully acted movies I've ever seen. I could watch it over and over and over again, getting lost in the beauty of it. Though, as those of you who have seen it already know, it's extremely sad (surprise surprise that I love a sad movie) so I usually only watch the first half.
I've never read the book, though I hear it's just as good (minus the visual eye-candy, of course). I would love to read it someday, but I'm not exactly rushing to read such a depressing book any time soon. But someday...
I'm a sucker for sad movies too...
What is it about them?
The Library one is ridiculous looking.
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