Though not much is going on really. I've been reading a lot (I bought a bunch of new books while I was in Florida), still working on watching every episode of Grey's Anatomy, and editing photographs for a photography job I've been working on.
This weekend was actually really wonderful since I had lunch with two of my childhood best friends. We all graduated high school 5 years ago and though I've seen them sporadically since then, the three of us never got together and just talked. It was so nice to just sit and rehash almost all of our memories from elementary, middle and high school. A lot of stuff I'd forgotten about, and a lot of stuff I realized I missed out on. We talked for three hours straight, and we could've talked so much longer... It made me a little homesick and lonely for when we were all young and carefree and life didn't seem real or scary yet...
I also went to see Eclipse with another friend. I saw it opening night, but the theater was so crowded that I got stuck way on the side right in front of the screen; so I had to lean my head way back and try to ignore the distortion of the picture. It was also distracting to have some girl's boyfriend (who was obviously forced to go) laugh and make comments the whole time. I was happy to see it again without all the distractions.
And yes, I do love Twilight. Say what you will, but I think it's a beautiful love story. It's just blown so out of proportion with all these crazy, obsessed tweens and mothers...
Source: 1. Arjan Benning 2. Hyea W. Kang
this summer has totally made me crush after childhood for some reason. and watching greys anatomy back to back to back is depressing, be careful :) (more so in the earlier seasons)
Yay for looooooong lunches with old friends. What a treat!
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